Zentyal ddns-client-fqdn complaints.

If you’re seeing complaints in the Zentyal log file like Text::DHCPLeases::Object::parse Error:

Change the following.
in the file /usr/share/perl5/Text/DHCPLeases/Object.pm
find the struct declaration and alter the last lines as below.

'ddns_rev_name' => '$',
'ddns_fwd_name' => '$',
'ddns_txt' => '$',
'ddns_client_fqdn' => '$'

Then, in the same file, find the parse function and again, alter the last lines of the function

}elsif (/set ddns-rev-name = \"(.*)\";/o){
$obj{ddns_rev_name} = $1;
}elsif (/set ddns-fwd-name = \"(.*)\";/o){
$obj{ddns_fwd_name} = $1;
}elsif (/set ddns-txt = \"(.*)\";/o){
$obj{ddns_txt} = $1;
}elsif (/set ddns-client-fqdn = \"(.*)\";/o){
$obj{ddns_client_fqdn} = $1;
carp "Text::DHCPLeases::Object::parse Error: Statement not recognized: '$_'\n";
return \%obj;

When you’ve done..
sudo service zentyal webadmin restart

New project




After inheriting the Orion scope I spent a little time tidying and modifying. Now it’s time to look at the mount and controller. The Vixen mount does have a rudimentary ‘go to’ controller albeit a 1980’s monster. I’ve enlisted an Arduino, a couple of stepper drivers and the AstroEQ software to bring the controller into the modern era. This will allow control of the scope through EQMOD project.

So far I’ve tested the stepper motors using a simple breadboard rig and test software on the Arduino. Next step is to send the AstroEQ software to the Arduino for testing.

Squishing Dovecot

Just had a slight hiccup with Dovecot after the latest zentyal component update.

I’ve added zlib compression to my IMAP folders, and after the update, this setting was lost from dovecot.conf. It seems that with compressed files in the maildir and without the zlib plugin, dovecot gets a little confused whereby it alters the S=UNCOMPRESSEDFILESIZE tag on the mail file.

This will sort it (crudely)

# Check mail file S-size
if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
echo $0 "You need to pass a folder"
exit -1

tocheck=`find $1 -maxdepth 1 -iname ‘*,S=*’ -print`
for filename in $tocheck; do
echo Looking at $filename
iszipped=`file $filename | grep gzip` filesize=`gunzip -l $filename | awk ‘NR==2 {print $2;}’`
if [[ ${#iszipped} -gt 1 ]]; then
newfilename=`echo $filename | sed -e ‘s/S=[0-9]*:/S=’$filesize’:/’`
echo \t\t\tAltering $filename to S=$filesize
mv $filename $newfilename
done; [/code]

DHCP DNS update failure after Zentyal 3.4 component update

My DNS entries went missing after the latest component update of today.
Statically assigned addresses re-appeared after and DHCP and DNS module restart, but to speed things along, I cleared the following DNC leases files.


Then restart the DNS & DHCP modules.
Don’t just delete the leases files, rename, or copy them somewhere just in case.

Z-Push failing to send mail

After an upgrade on z-push, everything seemed to be syncing fine, but, under certain circumstances, sending of mail from an IOS device would fail.
The log files hint that this is a WBXMLException and also notes that ZPush::CommandNeedsPlainInput(1) – this is a slight mis-direction.
The solution is to ensure that the Virtual Host alias is set to the index.php page of your Z-Push web root.

Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /srv/www/virtualhostdir/index.php

Restart apache after this change.